Monday 21 July 2014

Contiki Europe - London to Rome: My Experience / Review / Tips 

Let's talk Contiki!! If you don't know what Contiki is, it's the top tour company for 18-35 year old's in the world. It was started by a single guy with one coach in New Zealand and is now a global power house for providing epic budget tours in Europe, Asia, South America and Australia/New Zealand.
My parents did a Contiki tour over 20 years ago when they were my age (early 20's) and have always encouraged me to do my own tour. In January this year I took a spontaneous leap of faith and booked a one way ticket to London and booked my Contiki Tour. I booked the 16 day concept London to Rome tour. 

Tour Map
London to Rome - Tour Map (image:



The Contiki company is a well oiled machine, from browsing tours to booking your first tour and getting packed for your big trip, Contiki has you well and truly sorted! If you are considering a tour and want to put a hold on a booking before making the big commitment you can! They will send you everything you need to know about the tour and connect you with your own Contiki helper to contact if you have any questions or need any help with your booking

I found their customer service, payment service and pre-tour info package was flawless!

London - Contiki Basement:

When you get to London (if you are leaving from London) you will need to go to the Contiki Basement in Russell Square. A cool little space where you can chill, buy a sleeping bag, store your luggage, book a room in the Royal National Hotel (tour starting point) and use the free wifi. The staff in the Basement are very friendly and will tell you everything you need to know.

Tip! If you want to book into the Royal National Hotel before the tour it at the Basement!! They have a direct free hotline you use and the cost is HALF the price than if you book online!!! 

Getting to the Basement is really easy!! Get a train to Russell Square Station, when you walk out of the station go left, walk straight and cross the road (straight) when you get to the intersection with the park on the corner, keep walking past the park and go down the 1st street on the right. It's going to be on your right as you walk down this road! (I walked round in circles my 1st time).


You will have a limit of 20kg and it will be weighed the morning you leave. I am living in London now so I left my large carry-on suitcase in my place in London and only took a small plane carry-on size suitcase ~ 13kg capacity. 
I had the smallest suitcase on tour but I also had the least problems getting it to and from my room and on and off the coach every day. I recommend if you can do this it will pay off. It just saves the hassle. You will have opportunities to do washing so if you are worried about running out of clothes...don't!

Tip! Take a pair of shorts, a pair of jeans, an assortment of tops you can wear day and night, and if you are a girl a dressy dress or two for clubbing/fancy nights out. Don't bother with heels! Especially if you are going to Europe, all the roads are cobble stones or uneven and its a nightmare to walk on!  

On Tour

Tour Managers/Coach Drivers:

Each tour has one coach driver, one tour manager (TM) and one coach (your new home from home), your tour team work their butts off to make sure you have the most amazing time you can have! Mine sure did!! My TM and Coach Driver were the best pair of people I could ever imagine having!! But every tour group says that about their TM and driver so I guess whoever you get on your tour you wont be disappointed!! These people are who you go to for your problems, they will be your best friend, your DJ, entertainer, tour guide and everything in between! 

Tip! Be kind to your coach driver and coach! They have the tough job, while you party and sleep they drive and clean that coach inside and out every day!!(It's a big job!)
Appreciate your TM, you don't realize how much work they do to make sure you have a wicked time!! 

Optional Extras:

DO THEM! They might sound stupid or you wanna do your own thing, but trust me when I say that chances are the rest of your tour group will be doing them and you will be missing out on a great night and hilarious moments with your tour group, you will get to see more and learn more on these arranged options than you would otherwise. Plus the cost of these options is half or even a third of the  cost if you were to do it yourself without the tour. 

Tip! Join in!

Meet Locals:

When you are out and about, especially at night it is very easy to meet people outside of your tour group. I have made friends from all over Europe on my tour which means when I travel back there I now have connections and places to stay along the way. Don't be shy, be smart. Don't go home with someone not on the tour, always know where your tour group is. But spread your wings and see who you can meet, I met some very interesting and lovely people in every city we visited! 

Tip! SMILE!! It will take you a long way :D Live in the moment and meet new people (you will probably leave the city the next day and if things go pear shaped you wont have to see them again).

Contiki Cough:

Nobody tells you this before you go! YOU WILL GET SICK! It's inevitable! A Contiki tour is weeks of 4 hour sleeps and copious drinking, walking, activities and parties as well as being on a confined coach with 49 other people, your body wont know what's going on and by the end of the tour you will probably have Contiki cough. 

Tip! Take medicated cold and flu tablets and cough medication with you (it gets complicated when you are in a foreign country trying to buy medication). A Contiki cough is a horrible chesty cough that will stick for weeks if you're unlucky like me.

My Experience

Contiki was the most insane, unforgettable and incredible experience of my life. I met some amazing new friends, saw breath taking views, ate mouthwatering food and genuinely never wanted it to end.

Contiki Europe is perfect if you want to sample a large amount of countries and get the most out of every day. I would recommend doing a tour before you plan your own trip to Europe, Contiki will show you the best of every country and then you can decide what you like and where you would want to visit again, before you blow all your savings on a place you don't know if you will like or not.
Contiki also teaches you the tips and tricks of getting around Europe as a smart traveler. How to avoid tourist lines, how to save money, where to shop, what to eat and what to avoid.

I would do another Coniki! #NoRegrets

Me and Nice (France) on our way to Monaco

- Em