Monday 13 August 2012

Just a Little Blog to Show You My Photos

I haven't been blogging regularly for a while, mainly because I haven't been doing anything very interesting since I got back from my holiday. But I finally got around to editing and cleaning up the photos I took while I was away, so this is a showcase of those photos.

** I hope you enjoy them, these photos were taken by me and I ask that you respect my ownership of these photos and do not copy, save or use these photos without contacting me first.**

Lion Yaaawwwnnn, This gorgeous lion took a nice big yawn just in time for me to grab this beautiful photo.

The Slums of Jakarta.....A view from the train as we traveled out of Jakarta towards East Java.

Forbidden Love, These two leopards represent my partner and I perfectly.

Deer in Headlights, This little sweetie looks very anxious.

Love Boats, Two very colourful boats captured at sunset.

For the Love of Carrots, This manly looking bovine just wants his carrot.

Just Chill'n, This black cockatoo was looking very cool on his perch.
Cassowary, This stunning bird didn't want to be disturbed.

Old Fella, I could stare at this photo all day, his eyes are so human like. If he could talk I'm sure he could tell you some amazing stories.

One False Move, My partner and I were nervously sitting in the car as these massive creatures approached!

Tiger Crossing. A lazy tiger stretched out on the road showing of his striking colours.

Priceless, This photo is once in a lifetime!

Icy Stare, This shot was worth the wait! He paced back and fourth for what felt like forever before he finally lifted up his head and showed us those piercing blue eyes.

Black and White Tiger. Pacing back and fourth.

Testing the Water, It took a lot of strength for this big cat to jump across.

The Artist, A street artist in Jakarta, The graffiti on the wall makes this photo pop with colour,

I hope you enjoyed my photos, and I will try to blog more regularly from now on. Fingers crossed I will have some interesting topics for you to read!


Monday 6 August 2012


I just opened my  very own online store on Etsy, an online hotspot for all things hand made and vintage.

I have been making cards since about December 2011, I was inspired by videos on Youtube so off to Spotlight I went with my Christmas money to stock up on supplies. A couple of months ago I was telling my boss how I had become interested in card making and I was checking out all the relevant magazines that we sell. Every week or month, trolly fulls of magazines are thrown away because they haven't sold, and my boss not wanting to throw away stuff that can go to a good home, and be useful to someone like me gives me all the supplies and magazines that are set to be thrown away. I am so very grateful because I know the value of all that he gives me and if I was to buy them every week I wouldn't be left with much money to spare that's for sure! The only problem is...where do I store all this wonderful stuff??
This problem pushed me to start making cards before I have more supplies than floorspace. Each session of card making from set up to pack up takes me the good half of a day. If I start at 12pm I will still be going at seven or eight at night, sometimes later. It really is a time consuming hobby.
But I have made some beautiful cards, but there are only so many birthdays and people to give cards to, so from the encouragement of friends and family I have opened my own store and am now selling my cards.

Check Out Some of My Cards

Below each card is a link to each listing where you can see more photos, read the description, and purchase it for your very own!

"For the Love of Cake"
View full listing on Etsy - For The Love Of Cake

"Mind Over Matter"
View full listing on Etsy - Mind Over Matter


View full listing on Etsy - Celebrate!

 "Cherry Bomb"

View full listing on Etsy - Cherry Bomb


View full listing on Etsy - Cupcakes


View full listing on Etsy - Teapots

"Its the Little Things"

View full listing on Etsy - Its the Little Things

These and many more are all in store at

I will note that even though the prices might seem high for a greeting card, the time, ideas, effort and cost of extra materials used in making these cards is far higher than factory produced cards. If it takes me an hour to make one card then I need to get paid for an hours work. I hope that my cards inspire you and you love them as much as I love making them.

I will be adding more cards as I make them and as I get time. I'm back at uni now so time is short but hopefully I will get the chance.

Have a wonderful day!!

Love Em