Saturday 15 September 2012

Planet in Crisis...Do We Race to Space or Stay and Fight?

Please Watch This Video First

Our planet is already in the middle of a crisis, humans are facing some of the worst conditions climatically in history. World population numbers are soaring, and on a planet that's not getting bigger any time soon, we are running out of space. It is predicted that population will peak at 9 or 10 Billion and then fertility patterns will plateau.

Some believe that the best option is to 'race to space' and leave this planet we have single-handedly  demolished behind us. But is this really the best option?? Here are some of my reasons why space should not be our first option.

If humans have managed in the space of only a handful of centuries to drastically alter the capability of the earth to support life, who's to say that we wont do the same thing to the next planet we get our hands on. We need to solve the reason why we caused so much destruction before we can even begin to think about starting all over again. If we landed on a new planet tomorrow with our market economies and our need for 'growth', our overactive desire to consume as much as we can before thinking about the consequences, and taking one of our current forms of social systems and politics we are only headed for the same fate all over again. Humans as a species need to realise that that is exactly what we are, a species, amongst others species, all occupying one planet and depending on the survival of each other for our own. Humans will not be successfully able to rectify their mistakes on another planet if we maintain our status quo, business as usual manner of existence. Business as usual will not solve anything. In the words of Einstein 'You cannot solve a problem using the same way of thinking that created it'. And we will not be successful on another planet using the same way of thinking that destroyed this one.

I don't have the answers or the solutions on how to fix the planet, but I do believe that it is going to take a lot of small, trans-formative and radical changes to even begin to make a dent on fixing this issue. Changing what has been created over 1000's of years of human history in the space of a couple of decades is a nearly impossible sounding task, but its the only option we have if we are going to make a good shot at fixing our mistakes.

The world is filled with over 7 billion individuals, and you're one of them. If you expect everyone to make a change, you have to include yourself and make changes. If everybody waits then nothing is going to change, there are people out there already making changes, so if your waiting for someone else to start, well they have! So now its your turn! Its great to see people making the small changes and saying "I Recycle", but honestly its going to take some damn uncomfortable and far more challenging changes than sticking your bottle in a yellow lidded bin rather than a red lidded one.
I'm 20, I don't drive a car, I don't have my license and I never want it. I walk, or take public transport and that's how I want it. Its difficult at times. But that's reality, luxury and convenience is one of the biggest culprits of unsustainability. Be proud of what you can prove to yourself and others, live life amongst other people, outside, outside safety blankets and bubbles. Make new friends, make new challenges for yourself every day and make yourself proud of who you are and what you do, no only for yourself but for other people who will come after your life time. Work to create a world you want to live in, and you want future generations to live in. You are the best person to make the changes you want to see happen!!!

- Em

Friday 14 September 2012

CALICO and a Business Sustainability Function

My boss invited me to join him at a Business Sustainability Expo, an expo and meeting for local business representatives. Unfortunately he wasn't able to go at the last minute and nobody else could go with me so I went all by my lonesome. Even though I was the youngest person in the room by at least 15 years and don't own a business I had a great time. I met some really nice people and learnt some new facts and figures. One thing that really did surprise me was how much people DON'T know. Because I study sustainability and its my interest generally I forget that most everyday people don't actually know the small changes that they should make to be more sustainable or what is actually a threat to sustainability, to me its just obvious and second nature. Tonight was so amazing and filled my heart with joy to hear a room full of business people and every day people wanting to make a change to the way they operate because they care what happens to the future of the earth. Sometimes its easy to feel overwhelmed with doubt and feel like your the only one that cares or even knows whats going on. So overall I am so happy I went along and encourage everyone to check out the Town of Cambridge's Sustainability expo this September!

I want to make a special mention about a lovely man that I met at the expo, he was the first person to come and say hi to me after I was standing alone not sure what to do. He was telling me about his business, Calico, I think it is the most wonderful idea! Visit Calico website for the full details and purchase their products. The idea behind Calico (Calories In - Calories Out) is a fitness program connected to your iPhone, as you walk or run you accumulate points, after you reach a certain amount of points, you get a reward in the form of discounts or offers from local businesses. There are certain parks set up around Perth with totems that you have to pass, and the GPS system connects to your phone and pedometer to calculate your calories lost, distanced walked, and points made.
I think this is a wonderful way to encourage people to get out there an exercise, with real life rewards and links to your friends progress you can compete with friends via the iPhone app. 
If you are an owner of a business and want to sign up your business to give away rewards for people in your community, and get advertising and exposure, get on to and be a part of this great business opportunity.

Definitely check out these two great sites and find out how you can be more sustainable and get out there getting fit for summer!! :D

I hope everyone has been well and happy :D. I've been trying to write blogs recently but I just haven't had anything to write about hehehe.

Thanks for reading!!

<3 Em