Tuesday 25 June 2013

Indo Holiday 2 - Day One

So I'm back...back in Indonesia, this time I'm here for 29 days! I will be spending one week in Club Med Bali, and three weeks in Jakarta with my lovely boyfriend :D

I arrived on the 23rd of June, at 11:00am at Denpasar Airport, I made it very quickly though the airport with no hassles, I was met by my driver who would take my partner and I to the resort. The driver and I walked to the domestic arrivals waiting area to collect Ma'arif, who was supposed to arrive at 11:30am. I was waiting and waiting and waiting, and getting worried he wasn't going to turn up, but lucky for both of us he eventually appeared.

We were greeted at the resort by the Chief de Village, JB, a charismatic, tall, blonde, Belgium man. After the usual tea and cold towel refreshments we were guided to our room. I was getting worried that I may be walking back to Australia at the distance we were having to walk, 5km and 2 flights of stairs later we were in our room...minus our bags...there was a mix up with the bags but we got ours eventually :D

As I had only had about 3 hours sleep since 7am on Saturday morning I was feeling pretty tired, so we both had a much needed granny nap before dinner.

At 6pm my uni friend and her Indonesian boyfriend dropped by the resort for dinner as they are also staying in Bali but arrived a week earlier. We sipped cocktails and ate till we were balloons, chatted and waited for the evening entertainment, cabaret. The show had us in fits of laughter, as male members of the audience were selected to participate in a highly entertaining drag performance. An bald, 60 something Chinese man provided the most entertainment with his overly enthusiastic contribution!

Following the show, we all relaxed, chatted and sipped more cocktails, took a stroll of the grounds and watched a flying trapeze show put on by the circus school and a hand full of talented guests.

Then it was off to bed for us at 11:30pm.

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