Monday 9 July 2012


Coming home from Yogya, a very early start. We had to be up at 4:30 am to be at the airport for our 7 am flight. We got to the airport to check in and the woman told us that our tickets weren't paid for!! So that left us a bit panicked since our friend told us the night before that all flights were fully booked for the next few days! It also answered our confusion over an unknown deposit of a 100 and something dollars in Ma'arifs bank account, the payment was rejected for some reason. But he managed to go and pay for the tickets and we were on our way..just in time I might add :P

The flight was great, very short, we were back in Jakarta by 8am and I think we took off after 7am. Looking out the windows you could see huge volcanoes sticking out of the clouds!

 After we landed in Jakarta we caught a bus then a taxi back to Ma'arifs house to pick up the car.

Me on the bus :)
After we collected the car we drove as quickly as we could to the area where they have a 'car-free day'!! I wanted to see it sooooo bad!! After seeing all these countries close off their main roads so that people can just walk freely on them during my studies this semester I couldn't wait to experience it myself. Especially in Jakarta, a city that never ever has an empty road! This road runs right though the centre of the city and is 8 lanes wide!! With 2 bus lanes, a median strip and a huge round about/water fountain in the middle. On the car free day which is every Sunday morning 6am-11am, (we got there at 10:45am...just in time!) they have vendors and bands playing, people riding bikes and walking/jogging. It is quite amazing to see, even when the crowd isn't there anymore.
Here are some of the photos:

Me in front of the fountain :)

Very big & Very empty!!
Such a poser, but an amazing photo none the less!

That's a jumper not a headscarf :P, it was very very hot that day! And I had no sun protection on because we just got off the plane. 
The no cars sign, I love how it looks like a Mr. Bean car! :P

While we were walking back to our car I saw a monkey on the footpath, it was kind of small and strange to find a monkey on the streets of Jakarta, so stupid me I lifted my camera to take a photo, thinking he whole time it probably wasn't a good idea, and sure enough as soon as I lifted the camera the monkey bolted towards me and grabbed my ankle, I flipped out and started screaming, good thing too 'coz I'm sure it would have climbed up my leg if I hadn't!!! My boyfriend turned around having missed the whole thing and asked a guy sitting in his car what had happened, the guy was crying with laughter!! :D It was pretty funny and I don't blame him for laughing!! :D

We went home after that and had a rest, but I didn't want to waste the day so we freshened up and drove to the harbor/beach. Its a huge closed off marine park with theme parks, an aquarium, jetty's, beaches, restaurant's and apartments. I went there last time I was in Jakarta and had the best time. It was lunch time so we went back to the same restaurant but as it was Sunday and school holidays it was PACKED!! Plus there seemed to be bus loads of people arriving. We had to be put on a waiting list to get a table. After we were seated we got up and chose which seafood we wanted to eat, the place works where you select your live or frozen seafood and your sauce/cooking method then they cook it for you. We chose crab, squid and some prawns.

Waiting for our food, the restaurant is outdoors overlooking the harbor.
You can order a freshly cut Coconut with ice to drink/eat. They are very refreshing!
After we had stuffed ourselves silly with soooo much food, we headed over to the beach to watch the sunset, but Jakarta being what it is, of course there was traffic, so we pretty much missed the sunset while waiting in traffic trying to park :( But we still got some beautiful photos and saw the last few moments. Ma'arif took most of these:

I liked these boats with all their colour.

This one is my favorite, you can see the rays of sun in the navy blue sky...

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