Tuesday 10 July 2012


This post is a compilation of funny moments, photos and a sum up of my holiday. We stayed home all day on Thursday (day 13) and watched the Walking Dead TV show, we had packed the night before so we could just spend our last day together doing nothing. It was stinking hot outside but we went for a quick walk to get my favourite food for lunch as it would be my last meal. Chicken, rice, and a sweat dessert fruit/soup thing that I love love love!! One bad thing about coming home among many, is that I know I cant get food as simple, tasty, convenient and cheap as I can in Indo.

I want to share some of my odd, favourite photos from my trip that didn't make the cut in my other posts.

Day one and two I was greeted to this street procession in the mornings, they had music and costumes and characters and a whole street load of people walking...it was a circumcision celebration!! I can tell you if I was to get circumcised I don't know if I would want the entire neighbourhood knowing about it with a street festival hahaha It looked fun though! :D

Beware! They are everywhere!!
Day four, we visited the Safari Park, and one thing I remember from my last visit to Jakarta, was almost every single car had at least one sticker on its back window for Taman Safari or Jungle Park (a water park in Bogor). We were driving Ma'arif's sisters car, we were both hoping that you had to buy a sticker to get it on your car, but sure enough, we came back to our car after lunch at the safari park and we had a big old Taman Safari tramp stamp on the car!! But don't think its just Jakarta that gets struck by the bumper sticker plague! Walking down a street in Yogya, a city on the other end of Java! And sure enough there was a family car with a Taman Safari bumper sticker!! hahaha

I had to add this photo taken in the reptile park in Mini Indo. There were two tortoises and a huge Komodo dragon type lizard in one enclosure. And this guy looked like he just couldn't take the stress anymore and passed out :P

This guy made me laugh!! A few moments earlier he had his hand positioned on his waist with his gorgeous hat, showing off the beautiful woman that he is!! hahahaha

Only in Indo!
Driving down a highway was this highrise building topped off with a very traditional longhouse roof! When you cant decide between modern and traditional...why not have both!?!

This was an awesome surprise! As we were about to leave this shopping centre we luckily caught this beautiful water show. It was a water fountain that moved to music from all different musicals such as Phantom of the Opera. It looked as if the water had a life of its own. Very very pretty and very awesome!!

And last but not least my favourite billboard I've ever seen, it made me laugh every time we drove past it. A cure for Gangrene???? Actually its an ad for cough syrup, and the finger has something to do with the current elections. But all I could honestly think was they found a drop cure for Gangrene! :P

And that's it, the end of my holiday and the end of this blog series. :( I had the most amazing holiday, I took over 200 photos every day, so what you saw was only the tip of the iceberg! I really didn't want to come home! I came home to sub zero temperatures and not leaving the house after 5pm. Not to mention leaving my boyfriend for another 6 to 12 months. But really I made so many new wonderful memories! Had so many new experiences, pushed myself to try so many new things, and can't wait to get back out there and do it all over again!! :D To anyone going to Indo, look beyond Bali, because there is a whole lot more to Indonesia than just one little tourist Island, so many more cultures, people, experiences and opportunities waiting to be experienced!

I hope that you enjoyed reading my posts as much as I had creating them!!

<3 Em

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