Tuesday 29 May 2012

What Is Your Ultimate Goal?

I haven't blogged in about a week, but I've been really busy with assignments but they are all over now, 2 weeks of exams and then its one long holiday :D

But I want to ask those who ready my blog, and those who stumble across it for the first time...

What is your ultimate goal out of life?


I want to know what other people see life to mean for them. Everyone is working towards a bigger goal. It doesn't have to be as huge as "world peace" but it might be.
This is just a little post for me to see if anyone wants to share, it might even inspire me to write a whole post about it, or learn new things.

People have told me that its too complicated to comment and so they haven't, if you aren't signed up with Google that's fine, just chose the option that says anonymous or enter your name. :)

Whats my goal?

I could write a list forever and it would be constantly changing and evolving.
I used to want to save the orangutans in Borneo by working it the sanctuary there, and I still do, but I have learnt that if I want to save this species, I have to work on something much bigger than the life of a select few animals. So now my goal (and its gonna be a hell of a battle) is to stop logging and forestry in Indonesia.
My second goal is to improve the public transport system in Jakarta, so that people can use a train or a bus safely, efficiently, and easily.
It all comes down to making the world better than when I arrived.
I admit that I have more of a passion for the environment than people, but I do believe that even if you are just one person, you can make a big difference. And like the bus driver told me the other day: "If you can save one tree in Indonesian, you've done a damn good job"

The goal is what makes you do it, but its the effort that you put in to get there that makes the result worth something.

So I ask everyone who reads this to leave a comment below sharing what your life goal is.
Or even if you have reached your goal, please share what its like, and what it took you to get there. :)

Have a wonderful day



  1. One of my goals is to visit Bogota and work towards implementing their transMillenia Bus Rapid Transit system here in Perth :) haha Jokes

    To acheive your goals will take a lot of hard work and will be very difficult, but I think that to acheive a difference and create a sustainable future, acheiving the impossible is a goal that everyone must work together to reach.

    Goodluck with acheiving your goals :)

    1. HAHAHAHA that made me laugh!! I think if someone says Bogota from now on im just gonna laugh :P

      I think you should actually try and get BRT here, its gonna take over 14 years but its worth a shot :P

      thankyou :D

  2. The 20th century was when we saw change in the form of racial and women’s equality, I honestly believe that the 21st century is going to see sexual and trans* equality, too. I’d love to be part of that process, to help build a more accepting, non-heterosexist/non-trans*phobic society.
    One day, our grandchildren are going to sit in their classrooms and learn about how same-sex couples couldn’t get married and, just like how interracial couples could never marry, they’re going to think it’s stupid that we had laws preventing it. I’d love to be part of the process of making this a reality as soon as possible.
    As for the trans* community, I’d like to see the stigma removed, for more people to be informed that there’s more than just male and female, and for it to just be a non-issue. There’s currently only about half a dozen trans* friendly doctors in Perth, and only one surgeon willing to do top surgery on transmales. This is sort of disgusting given what year it is. It frustrates the hell out of me!
    For people to be informed and educated in general would be nice, actually.
    Aw man I could write pages and pages, haha! But I’ll leave it wrapped up in that little nutshell <3<3
    I love your blog, Em

    1. If you want to write a post on it, I will gladly post it on here for you as a guest writer becuase I think you have some great knowledge and I for one would love to hear some more!! I know you will do great things in your life. I was having a debate about marriage equality a couple of days ago and I was using you as part of my argument for it. Let me know what you think about writing something :D
      <3 Em

  3. Oh wow, it would be my honour! Thank you, em <3
    I'm admittedly interested in how you used me for your marriage equality argument. Glad i could help, haha!

    1. Oh goodie!!! :D:D Cant wait to read what you write AND get to share it :D:D

      haha i cant remember the details but it was like if i can get married why cant Jess, the debate was with Ma'arif and i needed someone that he could connect with.
      WOW im trying to put together a cohesive argument/opinion here but ened up erasing it all coz my brain is like BLAH, i dont even know what im writing, so instead of a half way done spiel i think im just gonna save the "we should all have equal rights" speech for when my brain is not fast asleep. :P

      Again cant wait to read your post!
      <3<3 Em

    2. Oh!
      Well if you have the same argument with him again, remind him that a few decades ago, interracial marriages weren't legal, either. Although it's slightly different, he can't change the fact his skin isn't caucasian or that he comes from Indonesia or has a different religion to you, just as LGBTQ+ people can't change how they were born. It's not like there's a glitter ceremony by the homosexuals in the moonlight where they pass you the rainbow staff of destiny and a gay unicorn touches it's hoof upon your forehead and says, "you are now a member of the brotherhood of gay. Welcome, queer one", yanno? It's not a choice people make.
      How would he feel if it wasn't legal to marry you? If you weren't able to have children, how would he feel being met with dozens of barriers to child adoption because he's born a certain way? It's exactly the same thing. There's not a lot of substance to anti-marriage equality arguments anymore, hahahah. Like, sorry, but gay cooties don't exist.
      Hahahahah sorry i'm getting carried away, but i'm looking forward to writing it! <33

  4. You wrote exactly what i was trying to write last night, but much much much better than mine didnt turn out :P
