Friday 8 June 2012


This is a wonderful blog written by my very good friend, she has written a very enjoyable, funny and factfilled guest post for my blog after a comment she made on one of my earlier posts that I thought was a wonderful topic that is very important, and who better to write about it than than someone who knows first hand. :) I hope you enjoy and learn something that you didnt know yesterday.
-- EM

Did You Know The Difference?? LGBTQALPHABET

It was such an honour for Emily to ask me to be her guest writer, and with such a huge, huge, (like, really huge) topic to cover, I thought I’d focus on three things I don’t really see talked about a whole heap, rather than an argument that has been said a million times before by much cleverer folks than I.

In a nutshell, these are things I didn’t always know, and would never have learnt had I not began to pay closer attention to Drew Barrymore’s butt all those years ago.

This is going to be about:

-          Labels, because there’s more than three, and sometimes none.
-          Heterosexism, because the first step to stopping something is realizing that you’re doing it
-          Gender Identity, because everyone needs to know this

Please remember that this is a guest post. If something here makes you angry, please don’t take it out on Emily, because she didn’t write it!

Also, this topic is so dense that I could not hope to cover everything in one readable post. If absolutely anything here peaks your interest, please don’t be afraid to click around the net for it.

“Labels”, how they’re fluid and don’t always apply.




Gay, straight, and bisexual are usually the terms we’re most familiar with when talking about sexuality, and male and female is what is considered the norm. But there’s some terms a lot of us have never heard of before, and a few things that, with an open mind, aren’t hard to wrap your head around. Here are some of them, but please remember that everyone thinks of their sexuality and gender in a different way.

Transgender – This is used to cover a whole range of people whose gender doesn’t conform with the male/female “norm”, however some people might not feel confortable using this term.

Transexual – Falling under the Trans* umbrella, this refers to people who identify as a gender different to the one they were assigned at birth, and may sometimes choose to have re-assignment surgery.

Cisgender – These are people whose gender matches their sex, and is used to describe people who are not transgender

Pansexual/omnisexual – This refers to people who have romantic or sexual feelings towards all genders, but is different to bisexuality as they assert that there is more than one gender

Queer – This is often used to describe the whole LGBTQ community, and may be used as a self-identifying term for someone who may still be exploring their sexuality, or prefer not to have a label.

Asexual – I’ve saved this one for last because there’s a lot of difference in opinion for the definition of Asexuality, and I sort of have a long-winded-but-not explanation as to how it works. Basically, people who identify as asexual often have little or no interest in sex. This doesn’t mean they’re not attracted to people, and it doesn’t mean they’re not interested in a relationship!! This is because there are different types of attraction that have nothing to do with sex at all whatsoever.

Sexual attraction is when you want to have sex with someone. Boom.
Romantic attraction is when you sit there and stare out the window and think about how awesome it would be if Henry took you to that fancy restaurant you love and sang Michael Buble to you in the candlelight with a string quartet.

Aesthetic attraction is when you sit down and watch Iron Man 2 and Scarlett Johanson comes onscreen and you can’t stop staring at her butt and lips because dayumm guurrrl.

Sensual attraction is when you see someone and want to kiss and hug them and play with their hair and suck their fingers and give them eskimo kisses, but you don’t want sex.

A squish is when you meet someone and want to be their best friend because they’re just so much fun and make you smile.

Sexuality is a fluid thing. When you’re 14, you might identify as straight, only to come out as gay when you’re 19, and then realise you’re pansexual or queer when you get older. However, this usually isn’t the case with gender, but what is the most important thing to remember, and if you take anything away from this, it would be that absolutely every single person is different.


Heterosexism is something we live with every day, sometimes without realizing it.

Heterosexism is the attitude or belief that heterosexuality is more 'normal' or superior to other kinds of sexualities. It is heterosexist to assume that people are straight unless otherwise specified, or that you can 'tell' if someone is gay. Heterosexism is also used to include 'cissexism': to assume only two sexes exist and that gender always correlates to our assigned sex

Furthermore, sex education is taught to teens on the assumption that they’ll be having male-female sex. We’re taught how to put the condom on the cucumber, what contraceptives are, and don’t have sex because you will get pregnant and die.

LGBTQ same-sex techniques are not taught in schools for the most part (I say most part, because it would be wonderful if there’s an awesome sex-ed teacher out there enlightening the future masses). Girls aren’t taught how to make dental dam’s out of condoms and why they should do so, and boys aren’t told about the importance of lube. Both of these are so, so incredibly important for STI and AIDS prevention, and yet as far as I know, it’s completely neglected in classrooms.

The reason I gave the classroom example (and there are plenty more!) is because it’s so super important to understand that heterosexism in a child’s classroom and childhood can potentially lead to homophobic tendencies once they’re adults.

Gender Identity

Have you ever filled in a document that’s asked you for your sex? Did you know that what they are actually asking you for is your gender? Did you know that there’s a big difference?

If you didn’t, that’s totally okay, because I’m about to smack down the facts for you right here.

Gender Identity is the label or name someone picks in regards to whether they’re male, female, or somewhere in the middle. It’s their masculinity or femininity.

Basically, gender is what makes up your biology, how many chromosomes you have, and what bits you have, but it may not conform with a person’s gender identity.

This explanation is so simplified and imperfect it’s ridiculous, but stay with me:

Let’s take a coke can, for example. Looking at the coke can, you’re going to assume that it’s coke. But if you take a drink and there’s lemonade inside the can, you’re not going to keep thinking its coke. If there’s coke and lemonade mixed together, then what? What if there’s coke and lemonade inside a fanta can? Gender is not black and white. In fact it’s beautifully grey. The phrase, “it’s what’s in the inside that counts” has never been so accurate, but more to the point, what a person identifies as is what is most important.

In a nutshell, these are the three big changes I would like to see:

-Better education in schools, not only with sex ed, but how people think in general. Knowledge about the people in our community is the first step to not being huge offensive buttholes.

-A focus on gender identity, and for this to be more widely known in the community.

-The elimination of heterosexism and cissexism in the community

Most of all, I would really like for all of this to not be an issue anymore. Once upon a time, interracial marriages were not tolerated, and the thought of a woman CEO was completely preposterous. I would love to live in a world where multiple genders is not something most people might find weird, and same-sex couples can be treated with the equality we deserve. I’d really like to walk up the isle one day, or see my fiancĂ©e walk up the isle to me. I’d really love to tell people that’s she’s my wife, and that we’re married, not that she’s my partner and we have a civil union.

We’re not asking for any special treatment, we just want the same, but to quote Tina Fey, “Rejection from society is what created the X-Men.”

Basically, let us get married or Magneto will kick your butt

(Sorry. That was a terrible joke)

Written by Jessica


  1. interesting and sensitive issue here... we could have a whole day long debate when it comes to this issue but dont get me wrong, im totally with u on this, im just standing among the closed minded society. people might say or should i say em might say that im a homophobic, but to be honest, i dont have any problems with any of the type u mentioned up there. i dunno whats normal anymore is it the heterosexual or any other thing thats not heterosexual.

    i do understand that being a gay is not someones wish when they are being born, they are simply born that way, its not their fault and its not their fault either if they wanna be treated the same as the 'normal' people. im just saying, we are taught that everything comes in pairs, in the sense of a girl and a boy, positive and negative, good or bad and humans are here to reproduce, to make decendants, sorry to say in order to do that its gotta be heterosexual. im not saying that its a birth defect to be a gay or its not right to be a gay, im just saying our parents and the society want us to have a decendant and that means they want us to be heterosexual and when they find their kid is not one, for most parents it could mean a failure or maybe a bad luck. since we live in packs and most parents think that way its kinda hard to accept the 'abnormality' into the society coz in a way its our parents who cant accept the fact that their kid is probably a gay. and in the term people called democracy, MAJORITY WINS. im from indonesia, home of the freedom of democracy and i say majority may win but its not always RIGHT!!!


    1. That’s a really interesting view on the topic, thank you for being open-minded enough to admit your thinking may not be right. And thank you for being with me! However, I’m gonna have to be the bearer of bad news and tell you that this opinion is very heterosexist, sorry! Although I’m not personally upset by this, what you are saying is actually quite offensive, and could upset a lot of people. This isn’t me being angry at you, and I totally understand that this is you giving another side of the argument, but you should definitely be aware that this way of thinking can deeply upset a lot of people. Emphasis on deeply.

      As for your question, homosexuality is very normal. In fact, swans, penguins, pigeons, dolphins, bison, apes/monkeys, elephants, giraffes, lions, sheep, hyena and a buttload more insects and animals (over 250 altogether) have all been recorded to display homosexuality. The next dragonfly you see might be a gay dragonfly, so just keep that in mind.

      As for reproduction, there are ways in which same-sex couples can have children, such as embrio implants, adoption and surrogacy, just as an infertile heterosexual couple might have children. There’s more than just penis+vagina=babies as I’m sure you know XD

      I understand that you’re taught a certain way, but the point of my entry into emily’s blog was to point out that this teaching is wrong and extremely harmful. Gay and lesbian kids are something like 3 times more likely to commit suicide. A third of gay and lesbian kids have attempted suicide, and I think it’s like 20% of MSM (men who have sex with men but don’t identify as homosexual) have admitted to wanting to commit suicide. This is because of society’s intolerance, which is why it’s ssssoooo so so sosososooo important for things to change.
      “This is how we’re taught” or “majority says this” frankly isn’t a good enough excuse, because we have the power right now to change that. You can be the majority literally RIGHT NOW to change how the next generation thinks about same-sex marriage and homosexuality. And I certainly hope that you will never think of someone as a failure or bad luck because of who they love (:

    2. first of all, i didnt mean to attack by saying what i said up there, im not talking about these days with all the advance technology and all, im tracking back whos the first person to blame for the society's mindset about gay people. im talking about the time when people needed to really have sex in order to get a decendant, there were no sperm donor, or womb donor or some sort like that.

      we are talking about why people have this closed minded head nowadays, we cant know why they have it if we dont wanna go back to the very start. back in that days, there were no other way to have a kid other than the conventional way, now, people that time didnt have the idea other than what they knew already and again, what they knew back then was the conventional way. i dunno were there a gay back then, but i can assume that if there were a gay, with all the knowledge and how closed minded their mind was, a gay that time would be something bad for the family. this is not me saying as a modern people, this is me saying as an ancient people who actually got no brain. to my modern point of view, nothing is wrong with any of the kind, they are all still human being, human being are made to be different, in every which way different.

      what made us now is history, it may not be a good one but like it or not its the thing that build our head, our mindset, our way of thinking. this comes to the fact that we are taught that way. im not saying it cant be changed, all im saying is its pretty damn hard to change it.

      i think the tolerance for gay people is getting higher these days, maybe not in the society in general but in the close encounter social relationship. im sure u have many friends who accept u for what u are, and i do know u and seriously, i do like the way u are no matter how gay u can be but im pretty sure too that some of ur friends parents dont accept u or think that their kids shouldnt befriends with u. my point is, its the ancient people who needs to start changing their point of view. the teens or nowadays kids, dont care what u are, whether u are gay or straight or whatever term they wanna label any of the kind, all they care is just how real u are, it will always be a dream for people whos fake to get some respect, the bolder u are u more respect u will get and eventually the society will understand that ure no less better than the 'straight' people. dont force people to accept u, thats not gonna happen, force urself not to be small. im not trying to be a smart ass, i dunno whats it like to be the minority, but i do know whats it like to feel small.
