Wednesday 27 June 2012


Today was another great day! We visited Mini Indo, It's a huge theme park type place laid out in the form of Indonesia with all the traditional buildings from the different regions positioned accordingly. They also have an aquarium, reptile park, bird park, different gardens, children's theme park and an array of specific museums. We visited the traditional buildings, reptile park, bird park and drove around past most of the rest of it.
It was VERY hot today! But was otherwise very enjoyable.

This guide was so lovely and funny! Even though he spoke mostly Indonesian I could understand a lot of what he was telling us. He was guiding us through a traditional, high class family home. It was incredible!

A living room fit for a king!

This is a very exquisite bed for the upper class. (The guide made me pose like this hehe)

The detailing on what is a VERY VERY large traditional Sumatran long house! (below)

Below are some photos of the beautiful birds we got to see in the bird park. The colours on some of them are just amazing!!

And this weird looking crocodile/alligator (I'm not sure which), in the reptile park.

And this weird looking snake was the most beautiful shade of green!
Sleep time for me now! I have to be up in 4 hours to catch an 8 hour train to Yogyakarta. Hopefully I will be able to keep blogging from there!

<3 Em

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