Saturday 30 June 2012


A day of firsts, conquering fears and doing things I never thought I would do!!

Day 7 was pretty much THE best day of this holiday and maybe even one of the best experiences of my life so far!

I have a fear of caves, deep water, murky water, motorcycles, and doing dangerous things. Yet on this day I:
1. Rode on a motorcycle all the way up a mountain in Indonesia (my boyfriend was driving it)
2. Went cave tubing (sitting in a rubber tube guided through a pitch black cave)
3. SWAM in the cave!
4. Rode in the tray of a pick up truck
5. Rode all the way back down the mountain on a motorcycle

I'm so glad I did what I did because it really was so much fun!! We did all this with my friend Tennille and her partner Di. They are a bit more adventurous than me and were the ones who talked me into joining in. Here are some of the photos from the day :D

Some sexy people in our life jackets ready for tubing. :D

You ask for a smile and this is what you get !! haha

Walking down to the river, jungle trekking with our tubes.
We were given these rubber shoes to put on so we could walk in the water, it was a bit gross to think about who the last person was to wear them seeming they were still wet and squelchy :S

And this was us all linked up in our tubes ready for take off !

From left: My partner Ma'arif, Tennille, her partner Di and our guide.

The following picture is of the fourth largest stalactite in the world! It is MASSIVE, I would love to see how big the largest is after seeing this! :D 

4th largest stalactite (the big column of rock  in the middle)

And here we are riding in the back of a pick up truck!

I don't have any photos of me on a motorcycle because its on my boyfriends camera and his memory card doesn't fit in this laptop :( but I think my mum would rather not see me on a bike anyway haha

If anyone is going to Yogyakarta I highly recommend this but getting there might be a bit difficult for anyone who doesn't speak the language as we had to meet up with a man half way and follow him through the dirt roads to get there.

Next up -- day 8!



  1. I could scream and yell about how stupid you are but i'm feeling sick at the thought of you riding around in the back of a ute with no helmet or seatbelt on a bumpy track!!!!!!!! I know people who are irrecoverably brain injured from doing this. Sighhhhh I'm glad you are getting out there and having some fun and adventure though. Stay safe. I love you.xxxx

    1. hahaha it was full of rubber tubes and we were going very slow, plus I think if I had to walk all the way back to the beginning with wet shoes, wet shorts, washed off suncream and carrying a big wet rubber tube, I would have been at more of a risk of being eaten alive, covered in friction rash and blisters and sunburn than i would have been riding the 3 mins in a slow moving truck that has done it a million times before. :P Plus it was good fun! :D
